Games You Can Play With Just Dice

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You can find games to play with two players or twenty, on a table or on the floor, with 3-year olds and with 70-year olds! Dice games are educational. They are educational in obvious ways, for example. Dungeon Dice (1977) The last and best dice games on our list has to come to the game called.

Provable Fairness Overview

This game is provably fair. What that means is that there is no way the site can cheat you by picking numbers to make you lose. You can take our word for it, but for the crypto-nerds out there, here are the gory details:

When you click 'randomize' in the top right we make up a secret random string (the server seed) that is used to randomize the rolls. You are shown the hash of the server seed, and are asked to supply your own random number (the client seed) to further randomize the rolls.

The sha256 hash of the server seed you are currently using is: King neptunes mobile casino.

Top rated casinos. The client seed currently in use:

and the number of bets you have made using it:

Each time you roll, the server and client seeds are combined with the number of rolls you have made since the seeds were selected to create the roll.

Notice that you are shown the hash of the server seed before picking your client seed. This ensures that there is no way we can influence the numbers you will roll.

Instant Verification with a Single Seed

If you want to verify that we are not cheating you, click 'randomize' again to reveal the current server seed and generate a new pair of seeds for future rolls.

In this way you can verify your rolls whenever you like, without having to wait for a daily secret to be published, and you are safe from cheating without the need to set a different client seed for each bet you make.


Games You Can Play With Just Dice

To generate your dice rolls, we string together your client seed, a colon, and your bet number.

Games You Play With Dice

For example, if your client seed is 1234567 and you are about to make your first roll since setting the seed, we will use '1234567:1'.

We then use the hmac-sha512() function to hash that string with the server seed. That gives us a 128 character hex string.

Note that the 'bet number' in both the above cases is the number of bets you have made since your seeds were selected, not the global server 'bet ID' number.

We then take the first 5 characters of that hex string and convert them to a decimal integer (that will be in the range 0 through 1048575 (16^5-1)).

If it is less than 1 million, we divide it by 10,000 and use it as your dice roll. That is the case 96% of the time.

Otherwise we use the next five characters of the 128 character hex string, and repeat.

In the unlikely event that none of the 25 groups of five characters are lower than 1 million when convered to decimal, we use the remaining 3 hex digits, which give a number in the range 0 through 4095, which corresponds to a dice roll of 0.0000 through 0.4095.


A few players on the site collaborated to create services you can use to verify your rolled numbers:

  • (a Python3 script by marilyn that you can run offline)
  • Titanium (userid 77) made a standalone node.js verifier

Dice Games For 2 Players

Copy the 3-line value from the 'randomize' window into the first input of those pages and click 'verify' for a list of the numbers you rolled, calculated independently of the site.

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